Tag: mobile giving

From The Mouths Of Millennials: What’s A Check???

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Church Life, Online Giving, Uncategorized.


One of the most frequently cited and widely used reasons for the rapid growth of digital giving over the past decade is the proportionate decline in checks during that time.

And the trend continues! In fact, according to one report, we are on pace to write our final check sometime in the year 2021. A mere six years away!

Nowhere is this “check-less” trend more prevalent than with Millennials, 20% of whom have never written a check in their life. There are piles and piles of statistics to back this up (like these), but – for today – I thought we’d forego stats and focus on some good, old-fashioned anecdotal evidence. (It is election season after all.) (more…)

Managing Your Church’s Giving Just Got WAY Easier!

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Mogiv Tips, Uncategorized.

Ring the bells! Bang the tambourines! The blessed day has finally arrived!

That’s right, after months of talking, tweaking, and testing, Mogiv‘s new and improved administrative dashboards have finally been released into polite society.

Why all the excitement? Because we love churches! And we know that bookkeepers, treasurers, finance secretaries, and business managers are some of the hardest working people on any church’s staff. So anything we can do to make these warriors’ lives easier, is a BIG WIN in our book!

Our new dashboards do just that! Here’s how… (more…)

Mobile Giving Was Up BIG in 2015! Was Your Organization Up With It?

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Mobile Giving, Uncategorized.

Through my work at Mogiv, I’ve had a front row seat to the rise of mobile giving in recent years. But even I was surprised to discover just how much mobile giving increased in 2015.

A recent study released by npENGAGE revealed that mobile donations were up a whopping 45% during the last few months of 2015.

And that’s not all they discovered. Here are a few other key takeaways from the article… (more…)

4 Resolutions That Should Be On Your Church’s List For 2016

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Church Life, Uncategorized.

Huzzah! Another New Year begins. New calendars. New seasons. New starts. And – of course – new goals!

My wife and I were on a jog last week and we decided to use that time as an opportunity to go over our 2016 goals. We tried to think of at least one for five key categories (aka The Five ‘F’s’): Family, Friends, Faith, Finance, and Fitness.

Most of the ones we came up with will be familiar to anyone with even a passing interest in calendar- based resolutions. Run two half-marathons. Save a chunk of money for our first house. Get plugged into a small group at our new church. All the staples. haha.

What we lacked in creativity, we tried to make up for with specificity. By picking measurable activities and goals, we’re hoping to have more success this year than we have in the past with our more general resolutions. (e.g. Get into shape! Make some new friends! Eat less(ish) candy! etc.)

Maybe you have some resolutions you’re working toward in your own life. Or maybe you’ve got some goals that you’d love to see your church accomplish in 2016. Expanded ministries? New outreach opportunities? Maybe adding an additional service or breaking ground on a new facility? The opportunities are endless. (more…)

30 Minutes Of Generosity Goodness!

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Church Life, Inspiration, Uncategorized.

What happens when 4 dudes get together in a hotel room to talk about generosity? THIS!!

Earlier this month, Kent Woodyard, Mogiv’s Director of Business Development, fled the Midwest to attend Exponential West, a conference for pastors and church planters in Irvine, CA. While there, Kent took a break from the sessions and the sunshine to meet-up with some friends to talk about generosity. The cameras caught everything on tape, and we want to share that tape with you!

“Generosity” is a pretty broad topic so it’s no surprise that it ended up being a broad conversation covering everything from church cultural concerns to examples of pastors modeling sacrificial generosity to stories of how generosity can serve as a gateway for The Gospel.  (more…)

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