Tag: church generosity

5 Church Website Tweaks To Increase Your Online Giving

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Mogiv Tips, Online Giving, Uncategorized.

By: Alex Navas

How easy would it be for your church members to give if you stopped passing the basket entirely?

Ok, so maybe you don’t use a basket, but somehow, someway, you’re making giving accessible to your members each and every time they visit your church.

Not only are you inviting members to give during service, there’s probably also an easy way to give without much effort whether it’s a kiosk, a basket, or their own mobile device (thanks to companies like Mogiv).

It’s how church giving has always been done.

But something strange happens on church websites when it comes to giving. The way things are naturally done in person seems to be completely forgotten online, and many churches make it harder than it needs to be for people to donate.

In fact, though technology is available to make it simple, there are still many churches who don’t receive a single dime online. Even big churches with thousands of members often miss these online giving opportunities. Opportunities that could provide them additional resources to increase their staff, expand their outreach, and create more channels for outreach.

After completing a website redesign for one of the largest churches in Chicago, here are 5 website tweaks that have been proven to dramatically increase online giving. (more…)


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