Category: Mogiv Tips

Mogiv In The The News (Part 2)

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Mogiv Tips, Uncategorized.

Time for another round-up of the Mogiv-related posts, articles, and mentions!

While we keep pretty close tabs on every single like, share, mention, and retweet of Mogiv, we’re guessing that most of you likely do not do the same. (Why on earth not??) So, to save you a Google search or two, we’ve compiled our “greatest hits” for you right here. It’s your one-stop-shop for all of the latest “who’s”, “how’s”, and “why’s” behind online and mobile giving! If you have a few extra minutes, be sure to poke around on the sites below. They are chock full of resources for churches of all shapes and sizes.

7 Things Online Giving Can Do For Your Church (

Wondering what all the fuss is about with online giving? This article provides a quick breakdown of the many benefits digital giving can offer churches. Reduced overhead costs. Decreased seasonal dips in giving. Increased generosity younger members. The benefits of online giving are numerous! This article lists off a few of “The Biggies.” (more…)

5 Church Website Tweaks To Increase Your Online Giving

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Mogiv Tips, Online Giving, Uncategorized.

By: Alex Navas

How easy would it be for your church members to give if you stopped passing the basket entirely?

Ok, so maybe you don’t use a basket, but somehow, someway, you’re making giving accessible to your members each and every time they visit your church.

Not only are you inviting members to give during service, there’s probably also an easy way to give without much effort whether it’s a kiosk, a basket, or their own mobile device (thanks to companies like Mogiv).

It’s how church giving has always been done.

But something strange happens on church websites when it comes to giving. The way things are naturally done in person seems to be completely forgotten online, and many churches make it harder than it needs to be for people to donate.

In fact, though technology is available to make it simple, there are still many churches who don’t receive a single dime online. Even big churches with thousands of members often miss these online giving opportunities. Opportunities that could provide them additional resources to increase their staff, expand their outreach, and create more channels for outreach.

After completing a website redesign for one of the largest churches in Chicago, here are 5 website tweaks that have been proven to dramatically increase online giving. (more…)

NEW FEATURE ANNOUNCEMENT! Or…what we did with our summer vacation.

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Communication, Mogiv Tips, Uncategorized.

It’s been a busy couple of months here at Mogiv with no signs of stopping anytime soon. Lots of new faces and features to keep up with, and – while more excitement is on the horizon – we wanted to take a moment to fill you in on some of the new tools that are available for you and your organization to begin taking advantage of TODAY!

It’s a bird, it’s a plane, it’s a FACEBOOK APP!

That’s right, Mogiv finally has its very own Facebook app. With this new feature, your supporters will now be able to make donations to your organization right from your Facebook page. Better still, they can do all of this with the same giving tools they’re already using on your website!

Ready to leverage Facebook as another channel for generosity? Good news. It takes all of 45 seconds to setup! THIS VIDEO will walk you through the process. You can be fundraising through Facebook by the end of the day! (more…)

Mogiv In The News

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Mogiv Tips, Online Giving, Uncategorized.

While The Mogiv Minute remains the best site on the web for all of your Mogiv-related news and updates, it is no longer the only place! We’ve been honored in the past several months to see some of our very own content (and customers!) featured on some of the most popular church tech sites on the web.

While we keep pretty close tabs on every single like, share, mention, and retweet of Mogiv, we’re guessing that most of you likely do not do the same. (Why on earth not??) So, to save you a Google search or two, we’ve compiled our “greatest hits” for you right here. It’s your one-stop-shop for all of the latest “who’s”, “how’s”, and “why’s” behind online and mobile giving! If you have a few extra minutes, be sure to poke around on the sites below. They are chock full of resources for churches of all shapes and sizes.

4 Myths About Online Giving –

So many of the objections to online giving are not actually objections at all. They’re simple misunderstandings (or “myths”) about the nature, benefits, and costs of online giving. This article – featured last month on, a leading church tech + creative blog – addresses some of those myths and explains why pastors need to start taking online giving seriously. (more…)

Online Giving With Mogiv – Talking The Talk

Written by Mogiv Team, Filed under Mogiv Tips, Uncategorized.

If you’re a Mogiv customer, you have already recognized the importance of providing your givers with a secure and convenient way to support your organization from their computers and mobile devices. But have you also done the second, even more important, part? Have you actually told those givers about it?

When it comes to online and mobile giving, getting the right technology in place is only half the battle. You also need to ensure that your donors are aware of the various options available to them. (more…)

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